Well I will try not to get all sappy mostly to keep myself from crying, but here are a few pictures of my dad mostly with the grand kids. I always said he was a teacher, he never just did something he showed you how to do it. Since he passed I realized where the teacher part of me came from...not sure why it took this for me to realize. He would have been coming home next week just in time for our family vacation. I think about him so many times through out the day. I could have never imaged my life changing as much as it has in the past 3 years. But as my dad told me when my great grandmother died, as i watched them roll her body out of the house, it was her time gotta pick up and keep on going. I often think of that conversation we had, I can remember exactly where we were standing, and it brings a little comfort to the whole situation. Doesn't make it any easier just adds a little much needed comfort. Although I am so incredible thankful for the 29 years of support and love he gave me, I feel so robbed. I feel robbed of many many more memories we should have had together. I feel robbed of the relationship my kids will never have with him. He always believe family was number 1, it just sucks ours was shattered so early.

Vacation last year, teaching the grand kids to play pool
The only pic I have of my dad with Khloe
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