With baby #2 here life can be very overwhelming at times. I feel like I constantly say "in a minute, or after I get done feeding
Khloe" all day long to mason. It is a constant battle within myself to make sure I am spending as much time with Mason as possible. I have been including him in on more daily routines
lately, he loves to help me cook
especially when he gets to pour the ingredients in the bowl. He is also pretty good at helping me do the laundry...well not the folding part but he tries!! I know with a little time things will get easier but til then i just keep reminding myself i am doing the best i can, if only i had a maid to keep the house together my problems would be solved!! Well with two kids comes a feeling of "needing a break" a little more often. Doing something crafty has always been my escape or sanity. It is what I truly love to do for myself, however, I am so tired i am having a hard time being creative when i do get a minute. I have been going through some old scrapbook pages for some much needed inspiration. Plus i spend a lot of time working on these pages and I never show them to anyone beyond my mother, mother-in-law and husband becuase my craft room is always such a mess, so I thought I would share a few.

Found this clear sticker at a local scrapbook store, it is really neat. It has top movies and actors, the price of gas and basic foods, the president other important people, and top news stories of 2007, the year Mason was born. How neat will it be when he is much much older to look back and see these facts (also a pic from the
I was able to find these stickers for the year i was born and his daddy...just haven't gotten around to doing anything with them yet.

2008 Halloween

bath time fun

Pregnant with Mason

You can't read the story in the pic, its at the bottom, but I was on the phone with Jason's aunt around 11pm. Mason had found a bag with a few pieces of
chocolate in it. You must first know that this kid
LLLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEESSSS chocolate but he calls it CHOC. He came into the computer room looking like this. Yes it was 11pm. He was so happy but most of all he liked the sound his hands made as he squished them together. He was a mess to clean up but not as much of a mess as my couch:)
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