Wow, my 10 year reunion!! It doesn't seem like it has been 10 years since prom, senior party, sca, yearbooks, and all the other fun stuff that happens your senior year. But it has and a lot has happened since... College, Marriage, House Buying, Kids and here I am almost 30. For over 2 months the Reunion committee put in many hours trying to plan a reunion that would not only be fun but not to expensive keeping the state of our economy in mind. We hoped more classmates would show but nevertheless we had a blast!! Friday was full of last minute errands to get ready for the festivities. I had to be at the school at 3pm to help get ready. We tailgated before the football game with Rodman's BBQ, went to the game, and met up at a bar afterwards. I didn't make it to the bar, I had way to many leftovers to unpack and coolers to clean at midnight! On Saturday after helping to set up the Carrie B, I was able to unwind and have a great time. We took the boat out for 3 hours and had dinner. Below are some pictures from our evening. Can't wait to see what we come up with for our 20:)

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