Three years ago Jason Started the never ending upstairs project. You see when we moved in the down stairs had 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths, and the upstairs had 2 bedrooms a small office and a bathroom. The problem was the man living here did a not so great job at his addition. One bedroom had hardwood floors, the other carpet. None of the floors were level and the bathroom was entirely baby blue, yes even the tub and toilet. It was horrible but we saw potential (or at least Jason did when he bought the house:) So Jason began to gut and rebuild from the ground up learning as he went along. Almost every free weekend he has been upstairs. I envy all the weekends my friends get to spend with their hubbys but I know we have saved a lot of money because he did the work himself. Not to sure we could have paid someone to do all the work if we wanted to. Here is where we stand as of today. (Did I mention it was very important for us to get upstairs ASAP because the guest room is going to be the baby's room. And time is passing very quickly)
The upstairs from the top of the steps.
The actual bedroom. That large pile of drywall is suppose to be going up this week, and then I will have walls:)

The sitting area at the end that will have a door on it because when we had the great idea of a Master Suite upstairs we didn't have any children and the thought of them sleeping down stairs while we were upstairs had never crossed our mind. Needless to say the sitting are will have a bed and a crib for the kiddies to sleep.
I will keep this updated with our progress. I finally feel like I can see the project coming along (It did take almost a whole year to level the floors) Drywall should take about a week, then its paint, floors, trim, doors, and we will then be moving upstairs. The bathroom will not be complete but I need to get us upstairs so the new baby can have a bedroom. For the past three years I have felt a little displaced, the thought of actually having everything in the right place or at least the right room excites me to no end. I am really excitied to have Jason back on the weekends and at night and I am sure I will need him more than ever with the new baby coming. Stay tuned for updated pictures of our progress:)
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